
Showing posts from July, 2018

Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest High #4)

Soooo... This book was a filler. Nothing changed, except Sam was a nervous wreck abou Logans love for her. Damn Tate and her big mouth... This book was like a story to prepare the battlefield for the next book. All the involved parties were introduced, the main rules were set, and the next book is going to get this party started... Her mother tried to destroy her. So she doesn’t exist to Sam anymore and her father, the one who raised her and the biological one, are both works in progress. The only two people that She can trust are Mason and Logan, and they’re the two people who she could lose. Although she swears it won’t happen, that she won't let it, she almost does it herself.  I liked it, but it was just too much of Sams insecurity. Instead of her discussing it with Logan and Mase, she kept it to herself, almost destroying their threesome fearsome. She was running again. There was a part where she finally grew balls  You want to take me on? Do it. I’m going ...