Matefinder part 1
After reading the Dragons & Druids series I was pretty much obsessed with Leia Stone and her magical creatures, so I started to read her other series: Matefinder . The story begins with a girl being in pain and finding out, that she was in an accident and an alpha turned her into a wolf. As the story flows we are finding out some very interesting stuff about our main character and her life. I don't want to reveal much from the storyline, so I'm going to say that some serious s**t is about to happen in the book. As for our main characters: Aurora is some badass, lovable woman werewolf, who sometimes uses sarcasm as her protecting shield. She is blond, of course beautiful, kind and crazy protective about Kai and her family. I loved her from the first moment, basically from the first lines. She was strong, or was trying her best to be strong. Kai for me was really hard to picture, since he is from India, but I grown to love him. He is protective (sometime...