Dragons & Druids

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt leia stone dragons and druidsVýsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt leia stone dragons and druidsVýsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt leia stone dragons and druids
Hi everybody!

I feel a little nervous, because it's my first time writing a review about a book... well about anything. And on top of everything I started it in English... Duh because writing in my native language (Hungarian) is not challenging enough.

First thing first, I want to apologise for all my language and grammar mistakes. There are going to be a lot of them, I promise. 

But enough about me, lets talk about the first book I'm going to review here. The series are written by Leia Stone and are called Dragons & Druids. It's a trilogy. I would love to write down that I enjoyed this book like no other, but my favourite book is always the one I am reading (There was one I never finished, but it's a story for other times 😄 ). 

Our main character is Solane Murphy with fire red-hair and a bit "OMG!-I'm-going-to-freak-out,-but-its-awesome" attitude. At first she was getting on my nerves really bad, but eventually somewhere in the 2/3 of the first book I started to get to know her and like her. At the moments when she was with Logan I was even jealous of her. ( I mean damn that man is REALLY HOT!) 

And we've got to our second main character Logan Sharp. He is the hottie of the book ( among others). He looks perfect behaves prefect, and loves Solane unconditionally

I don't want to ruin the story for those who didn't read it yet, so be careful there going to be some spoilers. 

As I started to read the book I somehow disliked Solane. Her with-head-to-the-wall attitude was remembering myself a bit too much. After graduation Solane went hiking the Grand Canyon, because it will be fun... Or so she thought, at least until she slipped and ripped into tinny little pieces... Just kidding! It was even better, she was flying. But not just "I am levitating" flying or "I have wings" flying, but the "I transformed into a huge dragon" flying. If I want to be honest I was surprised. It was my first time reading about dragon-shifters. After she is attacked and near death, Logan comes and saves her. She is unconsciouswakes up, realises some serious stuff, does some dumb and even dumber stuff and finally Logan, Solane and their friends end up together at Isaacs'place. They get themselves into some serious mess, but Solane and Isaac saves everybody. There is a lot more to the story, but trust me you want to read it and find out for yourself. It's worth it. 

If I wan to sum it up: hot action fantasy paranormal romance story, with likable characters.

To finish this review here are some pictures how I imagine some of the characters:
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt fire red hair woman
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt red dragon
Súvisiaci obrázok
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt black dragon
You can add it to your to read shelf:

7★/10 ★


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