Fallen Crest Public (Fallen Crest High #3)

Sam's first day at the Fallen Crest Public doesn't go well. Some girls want to be her. Some girls want to destroy her. And some just don't like her. All in all, despite being protected by Mason and Logan, it's still only the strong survive. There is Kate and her little group, who want to rule the school and terrorize Sam, and they don't really care about the boys protecting her. Not after they are exiled from the "elite"of the Fallen Crest Public. Sam will not only have to survive, she needs to learn how to conquer too, but there's another battle growing. Things are about to come to a disastrous end between the towns, Roussou and Fallen Crest. One of the Roussou brothers wants to date Sam and the other wants to destroy her. Sam is in the middle of everything... This book was so disastrous, so horrfying, so much bad things happened to her and despite everything she stayed she fought and win... Well not really, but almost, 'cause the end of the ...