Fallen Crest Family (Fallen Crest Hign #2)
The second book from the Fallen Crest High series is Fallen Crest Family. If you haven't read the first book I highly recommend to read it. Now that you were warned... This book was lovely. But that's it, it didn't get me very deep. Don't get me wrong, it was an amazing book, but the first one was better. All the drama around Sam started to be a little too much.
Now that Sam and Mason finally got together, you would think that it's going to get better. Well buddy, I have to tell you, you're wrong... It gets even harder. Sam is fighting for Mason, for Logan, with her parents, with the boy's parents, with her school, with the boys' school... Basically the whole world... Crazy huh? Just wait.. It gets even crazier. Not everything, but her mom definitely. She is CRAZY! Something form Sams past start to haunt her, and it seems that she can't get over it and her mom is going to win. After everything Sam, Mason and Logan moves to Nathan, what is another source of tension between the brothers and Sam. at the end Sam is changing schools to Fallen Crest Public, but that is another story...
Sam is herself, but not entirely... Something breaks in her and the gates are torn and she starts to get through her emotions. She cries a lot, and it hit a nerve sometimes. But at the end She got her sh*t together, and starts to behave like the Sam we grew to love in the first book. I don't pretend to understand her all the time, I've never been in her situation, and I hope to never be, but school outcast, bullied one part? That I understand really well. Being an outsider is never easy. Not having any friends to trust to talk to is even harder. I got it.
But what I have never seen in my school was, how Sam described Mason, Logan and their gang, even Kate and her friends:
"These were the kids that partied hard, played harder, and turned into a single unit against an outsider. They were tight-knit. They were closed-mouthed. And they weren’t stupid, even though I knew those from my school would mislabel them as that. They were far from stupid and I knew something pivotal had just happened." - SamMason was sweet and kind. Obviously loves Sam. They are sweet together. But he loosed the edge he had. He is not that bad boy anymore. He is a bad boy, but not that bad boy...
Logan sometimes started to get on my nerves with whining all the time. He feels left behind. There is some truth to that. But he is simply a drama queen, or king in this case.
Nate is easygoing, but in this book we see him more for who he is. He listens to Mason, but don't really care about Sam and Logan. Or at least not in this book, in that particular situation.
I liked his book, but not that much. It leaved a biter taste in my mouth. I hope that in the next book the 'foursome fearsom' gets back together and makes it right.
Review for book #1: https://adevourerofbooks.blogspot.com/2018/06/fallen-crest-high-fallen-crest-high-1.html



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