Fallen Crest Public (Fallen Crest High #3)
Sam's first day at the Fallen Crest Public doesn't go well. Some girls want to be her. Some girls want to destroy her. And some just don't like her. All in all, despite being protected by Mason and Logan, it's still only the strong survive. There is Kate and her little group, who want to rule the school and terrorize Sam, and they don't really care about the boys protecting her. Not after they are exiled from the "elite"of the Fallen Crest Public. Sam will not only have to survive, she needs to learn how to conquer too, but there's another battle growing. Things are about to come to a disastrous end between the towns, Roussou and Fallen Crest. One of the Roussou brothers wants to date Sam and the other wants to destroy her. Sam is in the middle of everything... This book was so disastrous, so horrfying, so much bad things happened to her and despite everything she stayed she fought and win... Well not really, but almost, 'cause the end of the book was epic. I've suspected it... I've seen it coming, but it still shocked me.
Huh... How to start.... I was really afraid that it was going to turn out like book #2. I mean Sam is going to cry and run and cry and... I was really happy when she got back some of her old basassness or how to define it.
Bet you weren’t expecting this,” before my other hand grabbed the back of her head and used all my body weight to slam her head into the table.
Yeah, she was crying, yeah, she was running, but now she knew she wanted to go to a university, and for that she needed to train like crazy. With Masons last year at FCP it was hard on all three of them. Mason and Sam were so sweet together.
The bed dipped under his weight. He paused with one foot before shaking his head and mumbling, "I'm not going to be able to sleep. I'm going to be so damn scared that I'll hurt you." It didn't matter. None of it mattered. When he shifted to his side and then reached for my hand, I closed my eyes. I could sleep now. Everything would work out. Our hands where tucked between us on the bed. I clung to his, while he seemed scared to hold mine back. That didn't matter either. I just needed to be held, a mere touch from him.
He was supportive, and crazy protective together with Logan. Logan was himself doing things his way, like always. He was funny and a center of attention, all the time. He drove Mason and Sam crazy. And when he got together with Malinda, it was hilarious. I laughed a lot and hard.
In the previous books I didn't really know where to put Malinda in the equation. Now I simply love her. She is sweet, caring and honest. Even with Sam, which in my opinion is a good thing. All the men in her life wanted to put her into the glass castle so no one and nothing can touch her. But she needed that honesty what Malinda offered her.Mom!" he cried out. She shrugged. You're not a virgin, and I'm promoting her pleasure as well. The girl will enjoy it a lot more. They don't always, you know." She scanned the rest of the table. "I'm sure you two bucks think you're the stud for all those does," she remembered me and amended,"well maybe just you and Logan, but I'm telling you. Girls fake it eighty percent of the time."That opened a whole new channel of adoration from Logan. He wanted to know it all.The rest of the conversation was a question and answer forum from Logan while Mark looked ready to throw up. I even caught Mason listening intently to her. He told me later that he'd be stupid to pass up information like that.
Malinda moved so we were eye-level. "Forget the people who've hurt you. You don't have them anymore, but you have two others that'll do anything to you. Mason and Logan would move mountains for you. I see how you are with them. You love them, but you're scared to let yourself be happy. Why? Because that's when they'll leave? Is that what you think? You've got it all wrong. Those two will never leave you." She tapped my chest. Once. Twice. "You. You're the one that's going to hurt them. You have that power, and you don't know it. You could rip those two apart in a second, and they're the ones who are scared of you. Not the other way around. You need to recognize the real situation.David, Sams' dad was great He realised his mistakes (it took him really long) and wanted to make it right. when the chance appeared, he helped Sam, protected her, and knew, what her mom wasn't capable to understand: Sam had a new family, Mason and Logan. There was no Sam without the two of them.
Garreth, Sams biological dad went missing... again. I really hope he is going to make it right, because right now I really hate him.
Nate ... I don't like him. I don't know what is his problem, but I just don't like him.
As for Heather. I love her character, I might say even more than Sam. She has her baggage too, but she is dealing with it. She is the other person, except Malinda, who is honest with Sam. At first I thought she was going to get together with Logan (they would make a sweet couple), but there is no chance for them with her on and off boyfriend in the picture... She still loves him.
"I feel pregnant just watching you two." Breaking apart, Heather was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest, and the corners of her lips curved down. She looked ready to vomit. "Honestly, come up for air every now and then..."I loved this book and I am going straight to book #4: FallenCrest Fourth Down.
On Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18110808-fallen-crest-public?ac=1&from_search=true
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