Hardcore (#1, #2 & #3)

The next series I started was Hardcore, also from Staci Hart. I have to tell you it was a long time ago, I've had such mixed feelings about a book. Volume one I liked, volume two not so much, but volume three I loved so much. People don’t change. They’re only revealed. Cory James has never known a life where she wasn’t running. Running from the cops, her home, her past. Running from love. The only time she’s free is when she throws on her hood and takes to the roofs to run. Stealing is nothing, lying inevitable, byproducts of survival. A way for Cory to provide for herself and for her younger sister, Jill, give her the life Cory couldn’t have. For five years, Cory built a house of cards, where the first card has fallen when she met Van and it was only just a matter of time before her whole house of cards is in danger of falling apart. She can tell herself over and again that she doesn’t care, but even she knows it’s a lie. Today marked the first step toward betraying hi...