Living out Loud (Austen #3)

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Yes!Yes!YES!YEEEES! Staci Hart you did it again! Seriously for me this was the most amazing book form all the Austen series. I thought I was in love with Wasted Words. Then I read A Thousand Letters and I was blown away. Now, after Living out Loud I am speechless. Never in million years would have thought that I am going to like this even more than the preivous ones. Well, I was obviously mistaken.

Living out Loud is a beautiful story about Greg Brandon and Anni Daschle (and Will Bailey, but he doesn't matter). When Annies dad dies in a car accident and her mom loses her ability to walk, they have no choice than to move from her home town in Texas. New city, new beginning, new chances, a chance to start Living out Loud. After successfully bumping into Greg at Wasted Words she can't wait to start working there and finally cross one of the things on her "firsts" list. After Greg sees Annie he can't stop thinking about her. After he sees her age, well, rather lets not discuss it... They know better than to start something without future (Hey, don't judge me, it's them who can't see it).  At least they thought so, but however much they want, they can't deny the chemistry between them. After spending a day with Greg, nothing could be more perfect. Not until Annie meets the man of her dreams. Will Bailey is perfect, rich, quoting famous poems, taking to fancy dates, saying always the right things... At least until Greg takes Annie to watch Romeo & Juliet (Soooo romantic...). Well, after that Will is jealous. Remember Cams singles night? After Greg throvs out Will in front of Annie, Will is even more jeelous and (Thank God, or rather thank Staci Hart) thats the end of Annie + Will and the begining of Annie + Greg. A couple of chapters and an accident (or not quite an accident) later, Greg and Annie are together and I couldn't be more happy for them.

Annie Daschle is a petite girl with a big heart and even bigger dreams. Just like the bookworms all over the world, she reads about love at first sight, butterfly sparks and all. When she meets Greg, and there are no instant sparks and butterflies he is friend zoned. After losing her father, she tries to live her best, wanting to make her father proud. She is smart and witty and can play piano like a pro. Also, she is having some issues with her heart waiting for a surgery. Will is everything she was waiting for. The prince of her dreams. Or does it seem so. Just until he shows how much of a control freak he is. That is the moment Annie realises, she was comparing Will to Greg and all the time Greg came out as a winner. I like Annie and can relate to her. She is trying to open her wings, trying to fly. She is in the process of learning what is true and what not, and who she can and can't trust.

The whole world was spread out in front of me, like a feast of possibility, and I would take a taste of everything I could.

Greg Brandon is a hottie with tattooed arms, hard rock abs, the patience of a saint and a smile that can make girls drop their panties (or that is how I imagined him). Being almost thirty he considers Anne way too young for him. Fortunately for us he realises that love is not about the age. It's about heart. He sacrifices a lot for Annies happiness. Pretends to be okay with Will, while he wants to ruin his pretty, charming face. After Annie chooses Will, he is crushed, but never gives up the hope that he can win his girl back and is prepared to be there when Annie falls, and sees Will for who he really is. After it happens, he doesn't hesitate to catch her, and be there for her. 

I love you. No matter what, no matter where, no matter how, I love you.

Now Will Bailey... I can't say I hate him. I don't hate him, I just can not stand him. Truth to be told I somehow felt from the beginning that he is going to do something to hurt Annie. But I never imagined that he will be such a big asshole. However, at the end he apologises, and I think he really feels bad for hurting Annie. Me being a softie, I forgave him part of it. Not everything, just a part of it. I would love to see him in one of the books, see him change his behaviour. I think he is just lonley.

As I wrote it at the beginning this was my most favorite part of the Austen series, but I really hope there are going to be a couple more books.

Annie Daschle:
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Greg Brandon:

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