Matefinder part 2

So I've finished the Matefinder series by Leia Stone. Honestly, I don't know what to say. I'm speechless, sitting on my bed, asking why is it over. My first thought after finishing the second part (Devi) was: Yes! I want more!. Now the third part (Balance) was a bit shorter, but after the ending I couldn't stop smiling. Although I missed One more vision with Emma finding Dave again...
There were some parts, where Aurora seriously got on my nerves, with her: "I have to do it alone because it's my destiny" thing, but other than that I loved how grown up, serious and badass she was, with her karate moves. Kai was sweet understanding, but sometimes Aurora got even on his nerves.
There was a balance between the two main characters. As much as Aurora wanted to do everything alone, that much wanted Kai to protect Aurora from everything. So they equally did things sometimes wrong.
Some of you may think that Aurora was stupid and careless, but lets be honest... If you would find out, that inside you is another soul and when that soul fulfilled her/his mission you die... What would you do? I would freak out, and try to do everything to get that soul out of my body and not to die. So I think I can understand Aurora and her way of doing things. She was strong and the author mentioned it a couple of times that may be even stronger than her alpha mate Kai. She was a free spirit, and hard headed (I am a bit similar to her), no one could make her do what she doesn't want. And what she always wanted was to protect her family.
So to sum it up, Leia Stone wrote a really good paranormal romance series, where I would love to read some more book from the point of view of the mates Aurora helped.
You can read the review for the first book here:
And if you want to add the book into your to-read list, do it here:
Book2 : Devi
Book3 : Balance
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