A Thousand Letters (Austen #2)

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After finishing Wasted words, the first book in the Austen series, I decided to give a shot to the second one and OMG! It was so much more than the first one. If I loved the first one, with this one I was madly in love. Like the I-can't-put-it-down-for-one-single-minute kind of love.

Braveness isn't always loud. Sometimes it's silent. There's braveness in sacrifice and kindness. It's in doing a thing that needs to be done, even though it's hard, and even though it hurts.

The story begins with a phone call. To call together a family. To be there for their dad ,in his last moments. In the most heart wrecking a couple of chapters I ever read, after seven years of being apart, Wade and Elliot meet again. They were madly in love, they were engaged and were planning to live together. That is when life happened. Elliots family is weird. They don't care about each other. Elli is living with her sister, husband and kids. She is a caretaker, a servant, a houskeeper. Taking care of not just her sister's kids, but her sister too. After Wade arrives home, he can't be around Elli. Not that he is angry, more likely heart broken. He doesn't want to admit, that he still cares about Elli. Loves her. Elli has been just the same. They are not talking, and Elli being a kindest person, does everything to comfort Wade, who realises too late, that he used Ellie. After the ups and downs, heartache, pain and suffering, they finally have a talk, and give for themselves a chance again. At the end of the book is a scene where Wade marries Elli after travelling to Germany together.

Life is short, so short, so precious, every minute, every day. Don't let the people you love, the people who make you happy, the people who bring you joy — don't let them go. Hang on to them, even when it hurts. When it seems impossible. Hold on to the things that breathe life into you. Listen to your soul and honor what it tells you. Live. Fight for what you love. Because one day, you'll be where I am, and in that moment I want you to look back gladly, with no regrets.

Elliot is a sweet girl. I have to tell you that for me sometimes too sweet. I adore my family, but I would never let them do the thing to me, what Ellis' family did to her. I was really happy when she finally stood up for herself. Other than she was a sweet girl I can't really tell about her. For me she had nothing extraordinary. But together with Wade they made a cute couple. And I loved their story.

I could heal him, but he would ruin me. I would make that sacrifice without question, simply because he needed me, and I loved him.

Wade Winters... Where to start.... well, I know how sad he was after losing Ellie, but after losing his mom and dad he was broken. I don't think that this absolves him from all the things he did to Ellie, but it definitely helps to understand at least part of it. I can't imagine loosing my mom and after that my dad too. It's hard to even think about it. It was so heartbreaking to watch him struggle, while he didn't let anybody to help him.

Wades and Ellis story mainly wasn't about their love, but about a family, bonds, that can't be broken. This book was so different from the other ones I read so far from Staci Hart. Don't get me wrong, there was pain a heartache in the others too, but there was fun, smiling, love. This book was mostly about pain. It turned me upside down, made me cry, mourn a man who I didn't know, just from what I learned from Ellis' and Wades' thoughts. Made me feel sorry for the loss of love they had. And damn, I understood Elli when she wanted Wade to wait for a year.  think at the end Wade understood too. They were way too young, irresponsible. They didn't understand what to be grown up meant.

"Well, you're a better person than I could ever hope to be."
"Hey, I'm not the one married to one of them," I joked. "You, sir, have the patience of a saint." 
"Or the IQ of a carrot," he said with a smile.

I hated Mary, Ellis' sister. She was selfish and after she cheated on her husband, I really wanted to read her book to understand why would somebody do this to her family. My favourite character was Ben. He was the smartest of all of them. Or I rather say he was wise. Maybe it was 'cause he wasn't related to any of them, so he had some kind of a distance from the events. I really hope to read his book one day.

I have to compliment Staci Hart. This is a masterpiece. It's different as I said, but a good different.


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