With a Twist (Bad habits #1)

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The first book from the Bad habits series form Staci Hart is With a twist. I started reading it based on Goodreads recommendation, and I have to tell you it was everything I hoped for.

West Williams has been friends with Lily since the day she moved into their building and he saved her armoire from a swift, sudden death by staircase. Their friendship has always been easy, the boundaries clearly defined. With neither of them willing to risk their relationship, they’ve drifted happily through the years as companions, never considering more. When Lilys teenager crush Blaine breaks up with his always on and off girlfriend Nadia, she takes the opportunity and hooks up with Blaine. But instead of the imagined prince, he behaves like a douchbag, leaving Lily wondering if there is ever going to be more between them. West is having a really hard time accepting, that Lily found someone in whom she is interested. After some stupid moves from Blaine, Lily finally realises that he is never going to be the prince of her dreams. Luckily for us, West and Lily finds their way, and they end up together. 

Lily Thomas is one of the sweetest, smartest and hardest working female main characters I ever met. Since she met Blaine for the first time she was daydreaming about him, but the real him was very different of the dreams. Although she takes her obsession with Blain to the extreme,  I get it where she is coming from. To want somebody or something, so long so bad and finally have it... You want your dreams come true. You want to believe it is as you imagined. You are ready to compromise, to deny so it can be true. And when reality comes? Well, you can do nothing just watch your dreams crumble. I respect Lily and I look up at her. She is strong, she gets through everything life is throwing at her, and in the end she gets her reward. I just wish it worked like this in the real world too.

West Williams is a serious hottie with a brain. I mean Columbia university? Wow... He has a brain, charms, a beard, long soft hair what a girl grabs onto when he.... Sorry I got a bit carried away. Anyway, he feels so strongly about his friends and family. He is protective and I really love how he treats her sister. He is not afraid to show everybody, that he adores her. After he realises that he is in love with Lily its really hard on him to watch his loved one get hurt, but he knows that it's the only way Lily is going to get over Blaine. And being a real gentleman ( I have to tell you I am starting to love gentlemen in books) he takes Lily on a real date, restaurant, flowers, candles and all... 

I loved the way how their friends were reacting to the news of their love... They knew it and thought that nothing surprising happend there. Seriously, it was so obvious, they spent most of their free time together,they were in opera together, had keys to each others apartment and West watched  The Notebook with Lily!!

Staci Hart is an amazing writer, the humor is equally part of her books, like the pain heartache. She can make you smile, cry, laugh out loud and curse. I am definetly going to read the next book in this series, and most ikely all of her books.

Lily Thomas:
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt blonde beauty

West Williams:

Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt hot hipster guy long hair

You have to put it on you To-Read list:




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