Wasted words (Austen #1)

After finishing Staci Harts Bad Habits series I immediately started her next series which is called Austen. The first book in this series is Wasted words.
According to Cam some universal truths refuse to be ignored, like peanut butter and jelly are a match made in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs are best friends forever. And guys like Tyler Knight don’t go for girls like Cam Emerson.
She knew from the second she met him that he didn’t belong on her bookshelf (according to Cam everybody belongs to one of the booshelves and you can only be happy, when you find somebody to love from your shelf).
I lived a thousand lives to escape from real life, because real life is boring and shitty. There’s no adventure, not like we get with Tolkien or Lewis.So she shelved him next to the supermodels and rock stars and took her place on her own shelf. Tyler was friend zoned.
I’d always sorted people, just like books in the Dewey Decimal System, where everything had its place.Since Cam does not have any love life, she loves to play Cupid at her job in the book bar Wasted Words, as her stomping ground. A career-ending injury turned Tyler Knight into a sports agent. After a horrible breakup, he meets with Cam who is in need of a friend and a roommate. Since she made it perfectly clear she’s not interested in him —at least she tries (really, really hard) not to be interested— he leaves her in it, but if she ever changes her mind, he won’t hesitate. As smart and witty Cam is and as much as she can play Cupid, some matches exist just in her head.
Cam Emerson is really smart, witty, but seriously hard headed and hates loose. So when her friend falls in love with another man than what she planned out, she makes a scene, behaves like a child, and angers everybody. Thankfully, she realises her misktake, and apologises to everyone. Compared to how smart she is, she can't see herself realistically. With Tyler she believes, that it is (he is) too good to be true. The favorite part of her work is that she is working in a book-manga-club-coffee-bar. And organising every week singles night, where she can play Cupid and make matches. She had a whole bag of insecurities, including Tyler being too good to be true.
To be with someone, to live with someone who you thought you loved and who loved you, only to have them leave you for faults that you believed were strengths, was disorienting to say the least.
Tyler Knight is a hottie, whose dreams were crushed in a second in a field. Sport was his life, so when an opportunity to do a sports agent is given, he doesn't hesitate to take it. He likes his, job, but its Cam who makes him realise, just to be alive is not enough. He has to live. He is just as hard headed as Cammy, so when the two of them get into the fight he is not listening. Part of me understands it. Cams insecurities are still in the way. Part of me wanted to hit him. Cam was working is way through it, but it is not going to be gone just after one day of working on it. And it's definitely not going to vanish into the air just because Tyler made her promise they're done and it's in the past.
He had a collection of cardigans that would give Mister Rogers a boner,
After a few (and a few more) obstacles they work their way to each other, and live their happily ever after. This book was funny and full of hurt, and heartache. I understood Cam, because, I may look like to my friend and family as a confident woman, I have my insecurities, I was bullied, and was always considered a nerd.
Staci Hart wrote an amazing book again, and I can't wait to start the next one.
Cam Emerson:

Tyler Knight:
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