Last call (Bad habits #3)

The last book in the Bad habits series by Staci hart is Last call. When I learned that it was about Patrick and Rose, I couldn't start fast enough to read it. I was really, REALLY excited...
When Patrick, dumped Rose and then showed up with a super hot, tatted up sexy girl, well then it was over for Rose. Basically, she played her part as friends, pretended, but that was all she could do to not murder her ex, or kiss him... On top of everything she even dreamed about him. Except one morning she found him in her best firends, Lily's bed. No, don't think anything wrong... Remember her from book 1? West and Lily ended up together in their happily ever after, and now they were "camping" at West and Patrick's place. Now if Patrick wanted to get some sleep he needed a quiet place. Just like Lily's bed. I don't have to tell you that when Rose found out about it she freaked out, got scared and so on...
But with their friends paired off, just like Patrick she was left alone more and more. Rose was determined to keep him friend zoned by getting back into the dating game, Patrick be damned. Needles to say Patrick didn't cooperate with Roses' plans. That's where it all begun. Patrick saw the walls around her heart crumble so he used his tricks to earn back her trust. After a lot of ups and downs, sweet and sorrow moments, they finally found their way together...
So I chose to read about it instead. It’s supremely satisfying when the good guys win and the bad guys lose. When the guy gets the girl and everyone lives happily ever after. Reading is the greatest escape. Where life is unfair, fiction can be perfect. The appeal is infinite, and the reason why I read at least three romance novels a week. If I can’t have it, I may as well imagine it.
Rose Fisher is a badass sweetheart, who can make you feel loved, but at the same time she can kick your ass. I totally loved her. Although sometimes I was tempted to shake her in hopes she would wake up and realize, that Patrick loved her and always did what was best for her. The part where she started dating after a year... That was hilarious. Well played Staci Hart. After all the sh**t Patrick did to her, she still cares deeply about him, and when all the bad memories start to haunt Patrick she is there for him, consequences be damned.
His eyes burned hot on mine, blazing and intense. I don’t think he even knew he was doing it — he just existed in a constant state of smolder.
Patrick Evans is hot. No, rather HOT! If you thought West and Cooper can't be topped, You haven't read about Patrick yet (I am a big fan of tattooed men with rock hard bodies... I got one for myself.). All the attitude, the eyes, the tattoos, the body, the soul... He is broken. He had a rough childhood and as a teenager, it wasn't better. That's when he met Seth, who was the worst influence a lost, broken, scared teenager can have. He tried drugs, the heavy ones too. After realising he wanted a lot more than his current life, he leaves behind everything and starts again. (This is the part, where he gained my respect.) That is where he meets Rose.
I was really sad that this series ended, but it ended in a way that I was happy with it. Everybody found their happiness, their dream jobs, home and love. But they are not going so far, because we are going to meet them in Staci Harts other books.
Cheers to the end, because every story that ends begins another. Cheers to beginnings, that they may be full of hope and love. And cheers to you, my friends, for being a part of ours.
Rose Fisher

Patrick Evans

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